23-27 October 2023

The event Re-envisioning Cultural Heritage Documentation in the Metaverse Age will focus on the training of scholars, stakeholders and other professionals in the area of 2D/3D digital documentation of Tangible Cultural Heritage. It is organised by UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage MNEMOSYNE at the Cyprus University of Technology, one of the EUreka3D partners.
Drawing from a wide range of experts, stakeholders and policy-makers the school’s leaders’ capacities to identify, record, protect and manage heritage assets will be selectively showcased to attendees, enabling the active engagement of communities – including women, youth and civil society.
As part of the training, a session about the EUreka3D action will take place on 24th October, coordinated by the project leader Antonella Fresa (Photoconsortium) and Marinos Ioannides (Cyprus University of Technology), specifically focusing on the use of Cloud Infrastructures and the process of aggregating and harvesting high quality 3D models for its publication on Europeana.
More information and full programme
EUreka3D presentation at Mnemosyne Summer School 2023 by Antonella Fresa, EUreka3D project coordinator