Stakeholders and Collaborations

A network of stakeholders is built by establishing connections with other cultural heritage institutions, technology projects and groups of interest. The establishment of cooperation agreements include various activities ranging from cross-dissemination, participation in the capacity building programme and other project events, trial and testing of the EUreka3D data hub and resources. This community is growing throughout the live of the project and includes

Archéosciences Bordeaux

Archéosciences Bordeaux is a research laboratory at the interface of the Human and Social Sciences, and the physical, chemical and natural sciences. His areas of research focus on the chronology of human settlements, the circulation of ancient materials and techniques and imagery applied to heritage.

Digital Humanities Lab – University of Basel

The Digital Humanities is an interdisciplinary institution of the University of Basel. Its task is to coordinate and promote research, teaching and infrastructure for digitisation in the humanities and social sciences. It is also a central institution in Switzerland for the theory and practice of the digital humanities and offers a Master’s programme and a Doctorate in Digital Humanities.

Giravolt – Departament de Cultura (Generalitat de Catalunya)

Giravolt, Catalan Cultural heritage’s new 3D digitisation project

Giravolt is more than the online publication of 3D models. It is a comprehensive project that promotes the use of 3D scanning technology in the field of Catalan cultural heritage. It is a collaborative initiative that traverses many fields of study to provide a new format for conservation and for raising awareness of our cultural heritage.

ICA International Council on Archives

The International Council on Archives is dedicated to the effective management of records and the preservation, care and use of the world’s archival heritage through its representation of records and archive professionals across the globe. The ICA is a neutral, non-governmental organisation, funded by its membership, which operates through the activities of that diverse membership. For over sixty years ICA has united archival institutions and practitioners across the globe to advocate for good archival management and the physical protection of recorded heritage, to produce reputable standards and best practices, and to encourage dialogue, exchange, and transmission of this knowledge and expertise across national borders.

INCULTUM – Visiting the margins: INnovative CULtural ToUrisM in European peripheries

The INCULTUM project deals with the challenges and opportunities of cultural tourism with the aim of furthering sustainable social, cultural and economic development. It explores the full potential of marginal and peripheral areas when managed by local communities and stakeholders. Innovative participatory approaches are adopted, transforming locals into protagonists, able to reduce negative impacts, learning from and improving good practices to be replicated and translated into strategies and policies.

INSPAI – Diputació de Girona

INSPAI, Girona Provincial Council’s Image Centre, is a specialised public service forming part of Girona Provincial Council’s Department for Culture, New Technologies, Sports and Education, and is one of few facilities dedicated specifically to the collection, processing, conservation, dissemination, creation and promotion of images, in addition to providing training and technical support to municipalities and cultural centres and facilities.


meemoo is a non-profit organisation that, with help from the Flemish Government, is committed to supporting the digital archive operations of cultural, media and government organisations. Together with partners, meemoo brings the past back to life and prepares it for the future. The organisation safeguards the archive content digitally, and make it accessible and usable.

Museovirasto – the Finnish Heritage Agency

The Finnish Heritage Agency is responsible, together with other authorities and the museum field, for protecting environments with cultural history value, archaeological culture heritage and architectural heritage, and other cultural property. It also collects and presents a culture historical national collection, studies material cultural heritage and both supports and develops the museum field nationally. It operates under the Ministry of Education and Culture.


The NALIS (National Academic Library and Information System) Foundation was established in 2009 by three major Bulgarian academic libraries in Bulgaria with the support of the America for Bulgaria Foundation. NALIS offers now more than 1 million bibliographic records in a freely accessible online catalogue and has embarked on major digitisation and retro-conversion activities. The organisation is involved in other aspects of the modern library practice as well, such as popularisation of international standards and best practices, and terminological clarifications.


UNCHARTED project studies the emergence of values connected with culture, their configuration and the political impulse that these values could deliver to the society. It also focuses on the valuation practices of the actors involved in cultural life, especially in the areas of cultural participation, cultural production and heritage, and cultural administration. From a European perspective culture has a very strong economic impact as it generates a high volume of employment, but it is also a powerful resource for fighting the main threats that undermine the peaceful coexistence in Europe. In this light, it is worth that cultural policies take into account the strategic plural values of culture. These are currently fundamental challenges for Europe and the main areas in which the project plans to leave its contribution by developing new tools and guidelines for understanding, calibrating and managing the plurality of values of culture.


The project aims at rethinking education in humanities in Mongolia in line with European standards, research and practices to catch up with the latest trends of the labor market by adopting digital methods of research and education. Some of the project’s objectives are to develop innovative education methodology, to develop and launch multi-disciplinary Master degree programme, or to create Digital Lab for international small-scale projects aimed at preserving cultural heritage.


SECreTour is a Horizon Europe project that drives sustainable cultural tourism by empowering local communities, shaping a Fair, Creative, and Sustainable Tourism approach, and testing diverse European pilot cases to foster fair development, community engagement, and policy insights. SECreTour aims to avoid touristification, engage citizens in governance, and test ideas in diverse European pilot cases, spanning rural landscapes to places of historical significance.

The Swedish National Museums of World Culture

The Medelhavsmuseet (Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities) houses Sweden’s most important archaeological collections of ancient and historical relics from the Mediterranean countries. It is part of The Swedish National Museums of World Culture.
The Swedish National Museums of World Culture, in agreement with partner Cyprus University of Technology, digitised the largest collection of Cypriot antiquities outside Cyprus. The collaboration aims to create a strategic plan for the digitisation of thousands of items, contributing to the preservation and global accessibility of Cyprus’s unique cultural wealth.


The Mnemosyne project under the leadership of the ERA Chair holder in Digital Cultural Heritage at Cyprus University of Technology, has been designed to implement a high-quality three-phase research programme centred on the holistic documentation of the DCH lifecycle in support of existing and potential user needs. Mnemosyne, will implement a research agenda, run a new Master Course focused on holistic DCH documentation and create a center of excellence on DCH by 2024.


TEKNIKER is a private non-profit technology centre (RTO), located in the Basque Country, Spain. TEKNIKER’s mission is to increase the innovation of the industrial sector to improve its competitiveness. Tekniker is strongly specialised in Advanced Manufacturing, Surface Engineering, Product Engineering and ICTs technologies, with more than 40 years of experience in Research and Development. TEKNIKER excels in the Metrology field with dimensional calibration and measuring services and innovative developments, ranging  from the macro to micro scales, and with 2D/3D inspection and measurement technologies for the digitisation of different kind of objects and scenarios. In addition, TEKNIKER’s lab provides certified capability in dimensional metrology and offers measuring & calibration services based on multiple technologies. This knowledge provides the CH sector with the latest advancements in digital innovation arising from industrial inspection and metrology fields.

RAMS – Regionaal Archeologisch Museum a/d Schelde

RAMS (Regional Museum for Archaeology on the Scheldt) is a small museum including a depot managing collections from various archaeological excavations from across the Belgian province of West Flanders. The staff consists entirely of volunteers. All the collections RAMS holds are open for research. It has set as goal to digitize all its assets, descriptive and with a variation of 2D/3D documentation(s), and aims to make them available for the public.

Basílica del Pi

Basílica de Santa Maria del Pi is a 15th-century Gothic church in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain. It is situated on the Plaça del Pi, in the Barri Gòtic district of the city. It is labelled as Cultural Asset of National Interest (BCIN), the most relevant assets of Catalan cultural heritage, both movable and immovable, declared of national interest by the Government of the Generalitat of Catalonia.


EUreka3D cooperates with GRNET and is using EUDAT B2HANDLE PID’s for long-term data preservation. The EUDAT B2HANDLE service helps to make data in the EUreka3D community FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). PIDs play a significant role in the data publication workflow, minted at the beginning of generating high-quality 3D digitisation of selected items and updated during the designed workflow.

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