EUreka3D Data Hub. Demo Event

EUreka3D: Implementing a Data Hub and services in the Data Space for Cultural Heritage

15 December 2023

Online, Friday 15th December 2023 10.30-12 h CET

To create 3D models of cultural heritage collections is a new challenge for Cultural Institutions. However, the next steps after digitisation also pose challenges about storage, visualisation and preservation of such 3D models and their accompanying information. What are the available solutions that cultural professionals can consider for their collections management workflows?

In this online demo event, we will present the status of development for EUreka3D Data Hub, a piloting action aiming to create e-infrastructure services for Cultural Institutions.


  • h. 10.30 Welcome, intro about the webinar, housekeeping (Frederik Temmermans, imec/VUB)
  • h. 10.40 General presentation of EUreka3D (Antonella Fresa, Photoconsortium) – download presentation
  • h. 10.50 EUreka3D Data Hub: features and workflow (Ignacio Lamata Martinez, EGI) – download presentation
  • h. 11.30 Onboarding in EOSC the European Open Science Cloud (Renato Santana, EGI) – download presentation
  • h. 11.45 Q&A and conclusions (Valentina Bachi, Photoconsortium)
  • h. 12.00 End of the webinar

The demo will include examples of different 3D models digitised by EUreka3D content providers, to showcase some features of the Data Hub workflow.

For more information, please contact Registration is required:

This event, organized by EUreka3D project in collaboration with ICA, supports the TwinIt! campaign on fostering and promoting 3D digitisation to broaden access to culture, preserve irreplaceable cultural heritage and to spur innovation and creativity, fostering reuse and potential new services and applications in other sectors. The webinar series also contributes to the multidisciplinary capacity-building of heritage professionals in 3D digitisation, exchange of practices and pan-European collaboration and networking.

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