Hybrid Public Demo Event – in Limassol (Cyprus) and online
29 May 2024 16-17.30h EEST (15-16.30h CEST)

On the occasion of the third EUreka3D project plenary, hosted by partner CUT in Limassol, a demo event is organized to present the latest development and services of the EUreka3D e-infrastructure dedicated to manage and share 3D cultural heritage datasets. This event will also follow the presentation of the EUreka3D project at the TwinIt celebration event and Fair in Brussels on 14/5.
h. 14.45 CET opening the room for EUreka3D public event – hybrid format
h. 15.00 CET EUreka3D: Preserving Values through #MemoryTwins
- Welcome note from CUT Council and ICOMOS – Cyprus
- Greeting from the Deputy Ministries of Culture and Research in Cyprus (TBC)
- The data space for cultural heritage and Twin It! campaign – Jolan Wuyts, Europeana Foundation
- Intro to the EUreka3D project – Antonella Fresa, Photoconsortium
- High quality digitisation: the case of Lambousa boat – Marinos Ioannides & Panayiotis Panayiotou, UNESCO Chair on DCH at Cyprus University of Technology
- The EUreka3D Data Hub: latest development and services – Ignacio Lamata Martínez, EGI and Michal Orzechowski, ACK Cyfronet AGH
- Discussion and Q&A
h. 16.30 CET end of the meeting
For any request, please contact info@photoconsortium.net. Registration is required: